
A hands-on training dedicated to helping you master the techniques malicious hackers use to penetrate digital infrastructure to predict their actions beforehand for safeguarding your infrastructure.

  • 108+ modules aligned to latest curriculum.

  • Learn step-by-step methodologies hackers use to penetrate network systems.

  • Master all tools and techniques supported demonstrated with real-life case scenarios.

  • Dedicated support team to help you grow and innovate.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    About the Course

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    Introduction to Red Team Essentials

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    Introduction to VAPT

    • Red Team Testing Phases

    • Reconnaissance and Hands-On: GoogleDorks

    • Reconnaissance and Hands-On: Default Passwords

    • Reconnaissance and Hands-On: Web Server

    • Reconnaissance and Hands-On: Maltego for information

    • Reconnaissance and Hands-On: RedHawk for information

    • Scanning and Hands-On: Network Discovery

    • Scanning and Hands-On: Ettercap for network scan

    • Scanning and Hands-On: NMap

    • Scanning and Hands-On: Simple bash script for ping sweep using search engine

    • Scanning and Hands-On: Simple bash script for ping sweep

    • Scanning and Hands-On: Port Scanning

    • Scanning and Hands-On: Scanning Types

    • Vulnerability Scanning Setup: OpenVAS tool

    • GVM (Greenbone Vulnerability Management) installation on kali Linux 2020 and latest versions.

    • Lab tips for Installing GVM openvas and updating latest vulnerabilities database

    • Performing a vulnerability scan using OpenVAS

    • Vulnerability Scanning Setup: OpenVAS report

    • Vulnerability Scanning Setup: Nessus tool

    • Vulnerability Analysis and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Assessment Report Sample

    • Vulnerability Analysis and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Sample Questionnaire

    • Vulnerability Analysis and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Summary Report Sample

    • Sample Web application VAPT report

    • VAPT pre-engagement with clients

    • Assessment to Introduction to VAPT

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    Exploiting Vulnerabilities

    • Exploiting Existing Vulnerabilities: On Server

    • Exploiting Existing Vulnerabilities: Critical vulnerability in Windows 7 found in report

    • Metasploit Framework (MSF): Introduction

    • Metasploit Framework (MSF): Software Architecture

    • Metasploit Framework (MSF): Understanding payloads

    • Understanding a Real Scenario: Introduction

    • Understanding a Real Scenario: Windows Static NAT for hacking

    • Configuring & Running an Exploit: Metasploit Reverse Shell

    • Understanding Meterpreter shell: Meterpreter usage

    • Understanding Meterpreter shell: Meterpreter usage privilege escalation

    • Understanding Meterpreter shell: Persistence

    • Understanding Meterpreter shell: Process Migration

    • Understanding Meterpreter shell: Keylogger

    • Understanding Meterpreter shell: Changing user password and firewall settings

    • Understanding Meterpreter shell: Clearing tracks

    • What is Pass the Hash Attack?

    • 17.Pass the Hash Attack (Lab)

    • Pivoting: What is it?

    • Pivoting (Lab)

    • Assessment of Exploiting Vulnerabilities

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    Post Exploitation

    • Introduction to Post Exploitation

    • Introduction to Privilege Escalation

    • Privilege Escalation on Linux systems

    • Privilege Escalation Labs: MS2 privilege escalation distcc vuln

    • Privilege Escalation Labs: Using Kernel Exploit

    • Privilege Escalation on Windows Systems: Windows Privilege Escalation

    • Privilege Escalation on Windows Systems: Local Privilege Escalation Exploit Suggester

    • What is Persistence?

    • Persistence Module in Meterpreter (Lab)

    • Different ways of maintaining Persistence: Using backdoor

    • Different ways of maintaining Persistence: Using post module

    • Meterpreter for Post-Exploitation: Post module reference

    • Post exploitation Gathering and Managing Modules

    • Perform a Simple DNS tunneling Lab

    • Assessment for Post Exploitation ( Maintaining Access )

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    Maintain anonymity and confidentiality

    • Anonymity tools and services: Introduction to Anonymity and confidentiality

    • Configuring proxy chains for anonymity: Using KaliTorify (Lab)

    • Configuring proxy chains for anonymity: Using proxy chain configuration

    • Assessment for maintaining anonymity and confidentiality

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    Password attacks

    • Introduction to Password Cracking: Password Attacks

    • Introduction to Password Cracking: Password hashes of Windows system

    • Introduction to Password Cracking: Password hashes of Linux system

    • Introduction to Password Cracking: Some password cracking tools

    • Introduction to Password Cracking: Gathering password hashes from victims

    • Offline password cracking using John the Ripper

    • Password Cracking using Ophcrack

    • Online SSH password cracking using Hydra

    • Cracking the password of a Web app: Using Hydra HTTP Login Brute Force

    • Brute force attack using Burp Suite Dynamic Brute Force

    • Passwords while sniffing the traffic: Using Ettercap

    • Unhiding hidden passwords in Google Chrome

    • Cracking Wi-Fi passwords: Introduction

    • Cracking Wi-Fi passwords: Sample documentation

    • Assessment for Password attacks

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    Cyber malware threats

    • Malware threats: Introduction and types

    • Malware threats: Life cycle of a virus

    • Malware threats: Virus (Lab)

    • Malware threats: Worms

    • Malware threats: Trojans

    • Malware threats Ransomware Lab: Dissecting a Ransomware

    • Malware threats Ransomware Lab: WannaCry Demonstration

    • Malware threats Ransomware Lab: Hidden Tear Open-Source Ransomware

    • Malware threats Ransomware Lab: Hidden Tear Encryption

    • Malware threats Ransomware Lab: Hidden Tear Decryption

    • Malware threats Ransomware Lab: Hidden Tear Analysis (Lab)

    • Malware threats Open-Source Labs: theZoo (Lab)

    • Malware threats: Malware Analysis Tools

    • Assessment for Cyber Malware Threats

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    Social Engineering Attacks

    • Social Engineering Terminologies

    • Tools For Creating Malwares for Phishing

    • Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) for Phishing (x264)

    • Embedding malware in Firefox Add-ons

    • Embedding Malware in PDF Files (x264)

    • Exploit Adobe reader software vulnerability: Social Engineering attack - Lab Document

    • Creating a malicious Office document payload

    • Creating undetectable payloads for Phishing Attacks: FatRat

    • Creating undetectable payloads for Phishing Attacks: Veil

    • Creating undetectable payloads for Phishing Attacks: Veil detection in VirusTotal

    • Android mobile platform attack using phishing

    • Sending fake emails and other online services for phishing

    • Steganography for hiding a malicious payload: Introduction

    • Steganography for hiding a malicious payload: Lab

    • Assessment for Social Engineering Attacks

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    WireShark for Offensive Security

    • WireShark usage and its advantages in offensive security

    • ARP Cache Poisoning using Ettercap detection

    • SSL decryption

    • Traffic analysis for confirming successful attack: Brute Force Attack Analysis

    • Traffic analysis for confirming successful attack: SYN Flood DDoS

    • Assessment for WireShark for Offensive Security

  • 11

    Important Remedies and Protections

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    Web Application Penetration Testing

    • Approaching Web App Pen Testing Engagement and configuring Burp Suite

    • Command Injection Attacks

    • File Inclusion Attacks

    • File Upload Attacks

    • Exploiting Broken Authentications

    • Reflected, Stored & DOM-based XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attacks

    • XML Injection

    • Exploiting applications with vulnerable components

    • Sample Report Template for web application Vulnerabilities and Remediation

    • Assessment for Web Application Penetration Testing

  • 13

    Scenario Library - Lab Assignments

    • Scenario 1: Understand the importance of Reconnaissance phase of attack .Crate a blue print of attack using OSINT.

    • Scenario 2: Reconnaissance tools

    • Scenario 3: Vulnerabilities scanning using Nessus.

    • Scenario 4: Exploiting 4 known vulnerabilities

    • Scenario 5: Need to Learn Linux commands and usage for privilege escalation techniques

    • Scenario 6: VAPT task on third party free Vulnerable Machines

    • Scenario 7: Practice how to find and exploit SQL Injection vulnerability

    • Scenario 8 : Practice how to find and exploit File upload vulnerability

    • Scenario 9: Understanding about GET flood (DOS) attack

    • Scenario 10: Creating Malicious PDF file and understanding it's execution while the defender is on.

    • Scenario 11: Antivirus Evasion

    • Scenario 12: Hacking and forensic investigation

    • Scenario 13: Malicious traffic analysis

    • Scenario 14: List out and implement top 10 CIS recommendation for drive by compromise attack .

    • Scenario 15: Perform best security practices on your server

    • Scenario 16: Server Security Hardening

    • Scenario 17 : Operationalizing MITRE ATT&CK framework

    • Scenario 18: Performing a VAPT on live website

    • Scenario 19: Perform a real VAPT for this 2 live websites.

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    • Some of the free online resources for practical web application testing

    • What Malicious Hackers do? Basic awareness by Murali

    • VAPT using Open Source Tools

    • How Buffer Overflow Vulnerability is Exploited?

    • Basics of Wireshark tool

    • Dissecting a simple open source Ransomware

    • Cyber kill chain

    • MITRE ATT&CK framework

    • How to kickstart your Cybersecurity Career after this course ?

Aspirant Ratings

5 star rating

Fun-learn -Ethical Hacking Skills


Great approach to learn in detail Ethical Hacking skills

Great approach to learn in detail Ethical Hacking skills

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5 star rating

Great assimilation of Red Teaming fundamentals!

Sudhanshu Kumar

5 star rating

Red Teaming.

Eakam veer

Simple language covers practically every topic with a detailed explanation, watching this course is a good starting to understand and start a carrier in red ...

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Simple language covers practically every topic with a detailed explanation, watching this course is a good starting to understand and start a carrier in red teaming and penetration testing.

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Meet Your Instructor

Principal Consultant

Murali M

Murali is a certified Ethical Hacking Professional with 5+ years of experience teaching multiple subjects related to Red Teaming and Penetration Testing.

He is not only a CCSA, CCSE, CCSBA, CCSVA, CEH, CNSS, CHFI, and CCSM certified professional, but has also been certified in Web Application Scanning and Vulnerability Management from Qualys, Inc.

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