
A free course designed to teach students or professionals some basic concepts related to Linux OS that will be invaluable in their journey of cybersecurity.

  • 13+ free lessons to make your familiar with the foundations of Linux.

  • Get introduced to the basic commands and concepts such as File Editors, log files, IPTables, packet capture and user management.

  • Receive a Free Course Completion Certificate.

Course curriculum

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    Linux for Security

    • About this course

    • Introduction to Linux

    • Linux Community

    • Basic Features of Linux OS

    • Linux distributions

    • Lab software requirements for Linux

    • CentOS installation in Oracle VirtualBox

    • Graphical Interface in Linux

    • Linux File System

    • Basic commands in Linux

    • File editors used in Linux

    • Some file operations

    • System services in CentOS

    • Installing and removing software packages

    • Linux commands cheatsheets

    • Package management commands

    • Archiving, compressing and encrypting files

    • Linux shell types

    • User Management

    • Privileges using su, sudo wheel group

    • File permissions

    • Linux shell scripting

    • Scheduling tasks using crontab command

    • IPtables in Linux

    • File transfer in Linux using SCP and WinSCP tools

    • Security hardening tips for Linux

    • Linux log files

    • Linux log analysis filters

    • Packet capturing using tcpdump command

    • Linux Basics Assessment

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    Add on section

    • Basic commands

    • Linux logs and their purpose

    • Installing Red hat Linux

    • Security hardening - CIS

    • Linux log analysis filters - samples

    • Linux References : Practice with fun.

Aspirant Ratings


Principal Consultant

Murali M

Murali is a certified Ethical Hacking Professional with 5+ years of experience teaching multiple subjects related to Red Teaming and Penetration Testing.

He is not only a CCSA, CCSE, CCSBA, CCSVA, CEH, CNSS, CHFI, and CCSM certified professional, but has also been certified in Web Application Scanning and Vulnerability Management from Qualys, Inc.

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